Scaling and Root Planing
When you think about keeping your mouth clean, you likely think about the tooth’s surface. If it feels filmy or otherwise bumpy, you might schedule a visit with a dentist to scrape off all the plaque and tartar. However, even the best routine cleanings can only address what’s above the gumline.
If you want to get your entire mouth clean, you’ll need a special service called scaling and root planing. In this session, the dentist will go below the gum line to clear out any build-up that’s formed within the pockets of your teeth. If you have a history of gum disease, or if gum disease runs in your family, it helps to talk to a dentist in Brooklyn, NY with a handle on this procedure.
What Is Scaling and Root Planing?
Scaling and root planing refers to a non-surgical deep cleaning with two steps. In the first part of the service, the dentist will go deep below the gum to remove any plaque and tartar. Once the dentist has finished, they’ll smooth out the roots of the teeth so the gums can quickly reattach and heal.
Why Do Dentists Recommend Scaling and Root Planing?
Gum disease ultimately comes in many forms, and it’s essential to have an idea of the many stages of this common oral issue. In the best-case scenario, you just need a standard cleaning or two to remove any trace of gum disease. In the worst-case scenario, you’ll lose your teeth because the gums are no longer strong enough to hold them in place. You may even suffer from bone loss.
Typically, a dentist recommends scaling and root planing if you have more advanced gum disease but haven’t yet damaged the major bone and nerve structure below the gums. If you fail to have the procedure done, you may need a surgical procedure where your gums have to be grafted back onto your teeth. Gum disease moves at different paces for different people, but as a general rule in all healthcare, it’s important to take care of the problem sooner rather than later.
What to Know About Plaque
You can trace anything from gum disease to cavities back to the bacteria known as plaque. Unfortunately, plaque is a constant threat and if it’s not cleaned off, it will begin to inflame your gums, which will, in turn, start to retreat from the teeth. As the gums move, they form pockets where even more plaque can become trapped.
No matter how vigilant you are when brushing, there is no way to remove plaque trapped below the gum. This is part of why scaling and root planing in Brooklyn, NY is so beneficial for people with chronic gum disease (a condition that affects nearly half of adults over 30).
What Can I Expect During Scaling and Root Planing?
The exact procedure varies based on the patient’s condition but typically starts with local anesthesia before the dentist uses special tools to remove the gunk. Once the dentist has removed all of the plaque and tartar and smoothed down the roots, your gums will likely be sensitive once the anesthesia wears off. You may need more than one visit to take care of all four quadrants of the mouth.
What Can I Expect After Scaling and Root Planing?
The discomfort after the procedure doesn’t last very long for most people. You can expect pain to disappear after a day or two, though your teeth might be sensitive for up to a week. Some swelling and gum bleeding is expected, though you should contact your dentist to let them know if the pain, swelling, or bleeding is severe. Your dentist may also provide medication, either in the form of a pill or rinse, that can help you stave off infection.
How to Avoid Gum Disease
For some people, there is no way to avoid gum disease. However, there are always things that you can do to either reduce your odds or slow its progression:
- Follow your dentist’s advice: Brushing twice a day, scheduling regular visits, flossing daily, using antibacterial mouthwash, and seeing your dentist every six months are all very important for your general oral health. Ideally, your dentist will be able to catch as many issues as possible long before they turn into deep, plaque-filled pockets.
- Avoid tobacco: Any tobacco products, including cigarettes and smokeless tobacco, can increase your risk of gum disease.
- Switch up your diet: Strawberries, broccoli, leafy greens, and salmon are all good for your gums. Aim for enough Vitamin C to stave off everything from scurvy to gum disease. Foods like carrots or celery may even be able to help clear out excess food particles left behind.
- Try a water flosser: While water flossing is not a direct substitute for standard flossing, it can definitely help you clear out particles that brushing doesn’t always get. Plus, if you’re not always consistent about your flossing habits, it’s far (far) better than doing nothing.
Visit Sconzo and Sciascia General Cosmetic and Family Dentistry
If you’re looking for a dentist in Brooklyn, NY who can help you keep gum disease at bay, it helps to talk to the experts. At Sconzo and Sciascia General Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, you’ll meet a team who can give you the advice and the services you need to help you keep your gums and teeth healthy for many years to come.