Bone Grafting
Bone grafting is a common surgical procedure that can help patients with jaw bone loss from injuries and periodontal disease. For those who need bone grafting, the procedure offers possibilities for restoring their smile.
It takes a healthy jaw for teeth to be implanted. If you’re someone who needs an implant or who would like to boost the volume of your jaw to keep the teeth you have, bone grafting is a procedure that can help you. Work with a dentist in Brooklyn, NY, who you can trust.
Patients come to Sconzo & Sciascia General, Cosmetic, and Family Dentistry because we offer safe bone grafting services to improve the health of your jaw. Patients love our professionalism and excellent patient care.
We provide excellent follow-up care to help ensure success for our oral surgeries. We also follow best practices throughout each surgical procedure to help ensure a successful, low-stress experience for our patients.
What Is Bone Grafting?
A dental bone graft is a type of surgery that increases jaw volume. To conduct the bone grafting procedure, your dentist must add grafting material to areas where the bone volume is lost or thinning.
The material is designed to be a scaffold on which your natural bone tissue can grow. There are different types of bone grafting material your dentist may use, including bone from your body, animal bone, and lab-made substitutes. Talk to your dentist to learn more about these different options.
Who Needs Bone Grafting?
Many people who seek bone grafting do so because they want to get a dental implant or restorative dental procedure that will only work if they have sufficient jaw volume. If you’ve been injured or have lost bone volume, bone grafting can help prepare your body for the restorative procedure that will make your smile whole again.
You may be a good candidate for bone grafting if you lost a tooth, had your teeth extracted for dentures, lost bone due to gum disease, or were injured and suffered dental trauma as a result. Your dentist will tell you if you are a good candidate for this procedure.
What to Expect
Every procedure is different, depending on the unique circumstances specific to the patient. Below is an example of how the procedure might go under ordinary circumstances.
The dentist will numb the area with local anesthetic, or provide sedation medication so you can sleep during the surgery. Next, the dentist will make an incision in your gums and move the gums away to reveal the jaw.
The dentist will clean and disinfect the area. Next, they’ll add the bone grafting material. The dentist will cover the graft with a membrane that may need to be removed in a follow-up visit. Finally, the dentist will return the gums and use stitches to close the area.
Bone Grafting Side Effects
Bone grafting can lead to side effects like swelling and bruising. These side effects are normal and go away with healing time. Your dentist may prescribe over-the-counter pain relievers so you can feel more comfortable. They may also prescribe antibiotics to reduce the chances of infection.
The bone grafting material applied to the area is powdered, and some patients lose small bone fragments from the surgical site in the first few days. This is not a problem unless a lot of the material is lost from the surgical site.
Does Bone Grafting Hurt?
Bone grafting is usually not very painful. Patients report little or no pain. Keep your dentist up to date on your progress after the procedure, and follow any instructions provided by the dentist.
Bone Graft Recovery
The initial recovery after a bone grafting procedure takes about a week, but the area will not be fully healed until months after the procedure. Small grafts may take three months to heal, while larger grafts take up to a year. It’s very important to follow your dentist’s instructions during this time to help ensure the bone graft will be successful.
The dentist will likely recommend eating soft foods for the first week and applying ice packs to your outer jaw to reduce swelling. Take all medications as prescribed and keep the area clean.
Don’t smoke while the area is healing, and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for a couple of weeks after the procedure. Avoid lifting anything heavy for at least 48 hours after the procedure.
Make Your Bone Graft a Success
If you’re getting a bone graft so you can have a dental implant, don’t delay getting the bone graft. Once your dentist says that you’re ready for the dental implant, get the work scheduled. If you don’t stimulate the jaw with a dental implant, your jaw will lose volume.
Bone Grafting FAQ
Is bone grafting safe?
Bone grafting is very safe. This is a common procedure that is successful for many people. Follow your dentist’s instructions following the graft procedure to help ensure success. If you have concerns about the safety of the procedure, talk to your dentist.
How long after a bone graft can I get a dental implant?
Many patients must wait about 4 months to get a dental implant. Your dentist will give you specific instructions to ensure proper healing of your bone graft.
Can I drive myself to the dentist’s office for the surgery?
If you are getting sedation, you may need to have someone drive you to the dentist’s office. Talk to your dental provider to find out whether you’ll need someone to drive you to the dentist and take you home.
Contact Us For Bone Grafting in Brooklyn, NY
Turn to someone you trust for bone grafting in Brooklyn, NY. Call us today to make a dental appointment and get started with your oral surgery. We’ll begin with a consultation to discuss your situation. If you’re missing a tooth and would like to build jaw volume for dental implant surgery, we can help!