How Can I Keep My Dental Implants Looking Beautiful?

Your dental implant keeps your smile whole after losing a permanent tooth. With good care and oral hygiene habits, you can keep your dental implant looking its best for years after installation.

Your dentist in Brooklyn, NY, can help you with this by providing good advice for dental implant care. Knowing how to keep dental implants clean can help. See below, here is what you should know about maintaining beautiful dental implants.

Keep Dental Implants Clean

Just like real teeth, dental implants need to be brushed twice per day. When you have dental implants, it’s important to choose toothpaste that will not cause scratches. Look for non-abrasive toothpaste (toothpaste that will not whiten or brighten your teeth). Remember, your dental implant can’t be whitened with normal whitening toothpaste anyway, so it’s better to choose toothpaste that is soft and gentle on your implant.

Why non-abrasive toothpaste? Abrasive toothpaste can scratch your dental implant, leaving it more likely to stain. Your whitening toothpaste can have the opposite effect on a dental implant!

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Follow all your dentist’s recommendations for maintaining good oral hygiene. Floss regularly and see your dentist every six months. If you notice a problem with your teeth, such as bad breath that won’t go away or gum recession, talk to your dentist. Taking good care of your teeth can help you take good care of your dental implants.

Do you have more questions about how to take care of your dental implants in Brooklyn, NY? We’re here to help! Call today to make an appointment and get a dental examination from one of our dental professionals.

 3 Reasons to Restore Your Smile With Dental Veneers

Do your teeth have small cracks, chips, or breaks? Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry option for patients who need to cover up small cosmetic defects in their teeth. Dental veneers are thin, tooth-shaped covers that attach to the front of your teeth. Veneers can cover up many problems and give your teeth the look you’ve always wanted. If dental veneers interest you, your dentist in Brooklyn, NY, can help you decide if dental veneers are the right option for your teeth.

In this article, we’ll go over three reasons to restore your smile with dental veneers. If you have questions about dental veneers, we can answer them. See below, some of the reasons that dental veneers are so popular among our patients.

1. Dental Veneers Look Natural

Dental veneers look natural. They look so natural that dental veneers strongly resemble your natural teeth. If you have dental veneers, you’ll have a smile that looks and feels natural.

2. Dental Veneers Are Long-Lasting

Dental veneers last a long time. In fact, porcelain dental veneers can last for fifteen years or more. To install dental veneers, your dentist will need to remove a sliver of tooth enamel. If your dental veneers become damaged, they’ll need to be replaced. Fortunately, it may be a long time before something like this happens.

3. Dental Veneers Hide Many Cosmetic Problems

If your teeth have problems like chips, gaps, and discolorations, your dental veneers can hide these issues.

Do you want dental veneers in Brooklyn, NY? Call your dentist today to learn more.

What Are Dental Crowns, and When Are They Used?

You’ve probably heard of dental crowns. But do you know what they are and how they are used? Your dentist in Brooklyn, NY, will let you know if you need a dental crown and why, but until then, here’s a quick overview.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns in Brooklyn, NY, are caps that are placed over your natural tooth. They are used to restore an existing tooth after a dental procedure. Dental crowns are designed to be the same shape and size as your natural tooth so they blend in with your other teeth.

What Are Dental Crowns Made From?

Dental crowns are typically made of all porcelain, a combination of porcelain and metal, all ceramic, zirconia, stainless steel, all resin, or a gold alloy. If properly cared for, most crowns will last five to fifteen years or more, depending on what type of crown it is.

What Do Dental Crowns Do?

Dental crowns are used to protect damaged teeth from tooth decay and other issues. They are also used as the artificial tooth top portion of a dental implant. Dental crowns are also used to improve the appearance of stained teeth, secure a dental bridge, restore the length of a worn-down tooth or teeth, close the gaps between teeth, and even save baby teeth that are so severely decayed that they won’t hold a filling.

When Are Dental Crowns Used?

Crowns are frequently used as part of the following dental treatments.

  • Dental implants
  • Dental bridges
  • Broken teeth
  • Root canals
  • Discolored teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Tooth gap fillers
  • Tooth strengtheners

Are You Looking for a Reputable Dentist in Brooklyn, NY?

Please Contact Sconzo & Sciascia General, Cosmetic, and Family Dentistry today to schedule an exam. We will diagnose your dental issues and determine whether you need a dental crown for your tooth restoration.

What Can I Eat with Veneers?

Getting veneers can be an exciting time for anyone. Whether you’re correcting a recent flaw or you’ve lived with cracks or gaps for years now, the anticipation of finally having the smile you’ve always wanted can give you a spring in your step. Of course, before you get your veneers, knowing how it will impact you long-term is important — including what you can eat and can’t.

How Strong Are Veneers?

Veneers in Brooklyn, NY are generally strong enough to handle the pressure. This means that if you accidentally bite into something you didn’t expect, like a grain of grit in your salad, you should be able to sail through the encounter without a problem. However, if you want your veneers to last for a decade or more, you may need to be a little more gentle regarding your diet.

What Can I Eat?

You can likely keep much of your diet the same, enjoying soft fruits, lean proteins, soft breads, dairy, and smoothies. However, you need to alter your habits if you eat a lot of hard, sticky, or chewy foods, like crusty bread, steaks, or caramel. All of these foods can end up putting pressure on your veneers, which will add up over time. A dentist in Brooklyn, NY might tell you to also avoid extremely hot or cold foods to limit discomfort. Also, consider how pigmented foods, like blueberries or coffee, might stain your veneers over time.

Finding Veneers in Brooklyn, NY

It’s important to know that these are guidelines you can use to prolong the longevity of your veneers and not a mandate that you swear off steaks for the rest of your natural life. If you have more questions about how to alter your habits after you’ve received veneers, contact the dentists at Sconzo & Sciascia General, Cosmetic, and Family Dentistry to learn more. We’re here to help you get the smile you’ve always wanted without having to give up your favorite foods.